Wednesday, August 11, 2010


SO, it would seem that I had a blog...whoops. not that anyone reads it, but I guess no one ever will if I don't post anything, right? I have been up to all sorts of stuff lately, climbing and such, just got back from a month of backpacking in the san juans and weminuche wilderness in SW CO, pretty fun and that is a fact!
I figured out that I will most likey do the great divide race this year, so I will be posting more andmore on my training and gear, as well as pleads for funds I am sure, since money is tight...if anyone has info on how cheap it is possible to do the race for, let me know for sure!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well, I haven't posted wnything in a while, but quite a bit is new: I got a new rear wheel, started to plan a bikepacking route in rampart range, as well as further explore rampart range more in general.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Faithful Steed

So, for my second post I figured it would be appropriate to give a profile of the machine that gets me around on a daily basis as well as into the backcountry if the fancy strikes me(this happens a lot...)

Surly Karate Monkey frame
Wheels: Boat Anchor wtb dual duty fr rims heavy cheap shimano hubs, generic spokes
ummmm, mismatched cranks, avid bb5, wtb sst saddle, typical other stuff as far a chain and all that. OH! and titec h-bars! these ROCK!
And a Tomicog to fix it all up:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Opening Remarks

So, I am obviously new to this whole blogging dealio, but I am just a person who likes riding bikes of all sorts, but has a penchant for those of the fixed gear variety, especially when they are combined with dirt.